Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"Like Father like Fetus" - 12 weeks

12 weeks was quite the week. After the 8 week doctors appointment I received a phone call from the office saying that while the blood work all looked normal I tested positive as a carrier for Cystic Fibrosis. This came as a total shock, no one on either side of my family has CF. I found out that not only am I carrier, but I have the worst kind of mutation. Go figure. 1 in 29 caucasians are carriers, who knew? Basically this meant there was a 3% chance that Matt was a carrier, and if he was a carrier there was a 25% chance the baby had CF. I freaked out for a solid 2 weeks while we waited for the results. Matt was the calm to my crazy, I'm so grateful for the balance. I couldn't imagine my perfect little bean being sick, and it being my fault. Genetics are insane. He was negative for CF, thank God. I finally felt like I could relax and really enjoy my pregnancy.

The doctors appointment was very anticlimactic, however, Matt got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time and that was awesome. I loved how he smiled hearing his baby's clop clop clop.

12 weeks also meant going in for my BUN study. It's an US and blood work to look at the probabilities of trisomy 13,18 and 21. They look at the nucal folds on baby's neck and to see whether or not baby has a nasal bone. It was INCREDIBLE seeing just how much baby exploded. Z looked like a tiny human, wiggly and long. 10 fingers, 10 toes counted, 2 eyes, a nose, big ole mouth and a brain. HR was 165bpm, still nice and fast. Baby was wiggling so much that Z wouldn't sit still long enough to get it at first. So much twisting and turning and kicking and punching. Baby wanted NOTHING to do with being poked and prodded. Baby just flailed and didn't cooperate. Definitely like its father.

Baby looks perfect, nucal folds are normal, bridge of the nose is there. Baby is very long, about a week a head in length. Stomach is also working well, swallowing amniotic fluid and peeing it out (gross right). Also were able to see baby sucking its thumb...just like I did when mom was pregnant with me. I could have watched the baby on the screen all day. 

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