Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Falling in love - 6 weeks

At 6 weeks 0 days I had my first ultrasound to make sure the baby was where it was supposed to be. I ended up having to go in earlier than expected because I started bleeding. A lot. It started at lunch with a gush. I had been spotting since I had found out but nothing like the bright red blood I was looking at. In a panic I called my OB and my mom who had me come in early for the US.

All I could think about driving to the hospital was that I was losing the baby. The idea of losing the baby was more terrifying than there actually a baby being there. The two weeks from when I had found out to that day I had accepted that I was pregnant and looking forward to seeing the baby grow.

The second the technician put the probe on my belly I could see the baby and the most beautiful sight in the entire world; a teeny tiny beating heart. It took my breath away. Every fear, every bad and worried feeling disappeared. I was in love with that beautiful little blip chugging along on the screen.
I couldn't believe something so small could have a beating heart. This little life was so miraculous.

The technician looked for the source of the blood, I asked her "there's only one right? Please tell me there's only one." It looked as though there may have been another baby, it appeared to be a sac near my cervix where the blood and tissue was coming from. I continued to bleed and pass tissue for another weeks and a half.

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