Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pictures and Showers - 35 weeks 2 days

I have been slacking with catch up. It has been a crazy few weeks with everything going on.  So I'll do a speedy update...or attempt to.

33 weeks: Had my maternity shoot! Amy's friend who is a photographer took them for me. We went to Vehe Barn in Lake Zurich, which is more or less a barn on a forest preserve. I've never been there before. It was BEAUTIFUL. And freaking hot. At 10:30am it was 85 degrees with nearly 100% humidity. I haven't sweat that much in...forever. I was a bit skeptical on how my sweaty preggo butt would look, but boy was I blown away. The pictures turned out absolutely beautiful. More beautiful than I could have ever imagined. I put them together into a hardcover book that I can give to Scarlett once she's older. I want her to see just how much she is loved and wanted. I picked a few to show, but they're all amazing

34 Weeks: The highlight of this week would absolutely be my second baby shower. This one was thrown by Amy and my mom. Both of them have put months and months of work into this party and it was obvious. The theme was Russian nesting dolls, lots of flowers and polkadots...it was something out of a dream. We had 33 family and friends total at the house, it was insanely overwhelming for me. I wanted to be able to sit and talk with everyone and really catch up, I was able to sit for a little bit but wasn't able to catch up how I would have liked. It was amazing seeing everyone, the support and love for baby girl and I is amazing. I can't believe just how many people love her. We got just about everything we need for when she gets here. There are a few small things I'll still need to purchase but overall we are incredibly lucky. Matt and Tyler went out to lunch during the madness and came back in time to mingle and help put some of our things built. I just can't express how grateful I am for everyone and everything in my life. I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful or wonderful day with some of the best people that I have the pleasure of having in my life. I've included some pictures, but it really doesn't do the party justice.

Candy bar

Amy's 200+ diaper cake!

Yes, my mother made this fruid salad stroller!

The insanity that is gift opening

Nesting doll cake

Flowers to the entrance

Bears onsie from her Auntie MaryAnne

Momma and me

CCG girls

Tyler and Matt putting together "baby rocket ship"

The day after the shower Matt and I went to Indiana to celebrate his dad's birthday. Unfortunately his mom and grandmas couldn't make it to the shower. I was bummed, but I was so happy that we were able to see his family again before Scarlett comes. We had a really lovely day, I even got to meet his grandmas! I absolutely adore both, they love their great grand daughter very much. It was so nice getting to sit and talk with them and actually get to know a little bit about them. We all had dinner together and really just sat and enjoyed each other. I really wish we lived closer to his family too but I love knowing that we have their support and love. 

35 weeks: Only two days into this week, but already a busy one. I've still been struggling with swelling and general feeling of ick. I am learning now that it's normal to feel uncomfortable and icky during the last few weeks...despite not wanting to feel miserable. To be completely honest I feel good about 90% of the time. I really only feel bad when I overdo it, which I did this weekend. I was hurting yesterday and ended up early for my weekly appointment. Did a 24 hour urine collection yesterday and today to check for overall amount of protein in my urine. Nothing quite like being tied to the toilet and your fridge....oh yes...fridge. You have to keep your pee cold lol. Poor Tyler saw the jug and though it was iced tea, luckily I was sitting at the kitchen table and was able to counteract that disaster. I had blood drawn today to make sure that my kidneys and liver and chugging along well. It's more for my peace of mind than anything, but when you've had high blood pressure and swelling for a month I don't think it's too outrageous.

Little love is thriving. My belly feels stretched to capacity. The idea that there could be a solid 5 weeks until she is born is a bit horrifying. Her and I are competing for space and she's winning. She's so big now that she is all the way up to my xyphoid process, she loves to pop her booty out and it is rather uncomfortable. I feel like she's trying to bust out of my gut. I can't wait till she drops into my pelvis and can't reach so far lol. I haven't gotten any feet in my ribs, but she does rub my sides with her heels. Lots of hiccups still, 2-3x a day. She is still utterly wonderful and I am so thankful that she continues to be healthy and strong. I am getting so excited to hold her in my arms, I'd say "I'm excited to meet her" but her and I have been on rather intimate terms for the last 35 weeks lol, we've already bonded. Gah. I'm just so stinking excited.

How far along? 35 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: A little over 30....sigh...
Maternity clothes?  My t-shirts are getting tight, but I'm still fitting into some of my clothes lol
Stretch marks? I swear they're coming, the ones I had before I got pregnant I think are expanding a bit
Sleep: Up peeing lots and not as comfortable as I've been in the past
Best moment this week: Baby shower and going to visit the Reichert's

Miss Anything? My body and sushi. I miss being my pre pregnancy side, and trying my best to enjoy these last few weeks with little girl inside.
Movement: Lots of booty popping
Food cravings: Mmmm...not really anything different
Anything making you queasy or sick: I get random spurts of nausea for no reason
Gender:  girl girl girl

Labor Signs: Nope, few weeks
Symptoms: Swollen (nice pitting edema),  nausea, horrible headaches, hip pain...the usual third trimester discomforts
Belly Button in or out? Starting to pop a little bit

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Kelsey's wedding this weekend!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Human Heater - 33 weeks 2 days

I have never been more hot in my life. Or swollen. Or irritable.

Up until the last couple weeks I have been thoroughly been enjoying pregnancy, now, I'm totally over it. I didn't think this day would come, where I would be so uncomfortable that I would just be dunzo with the whole belly thing. Remember when I said I wanted my belly so bad? Mom said not to wish that upon myself because in July I would be kicking myself. If I could kick myself, I would, but I'm too tired and my legs are too swollen.

It's funny. Pregnancy and Scarlett are two completely separate states/entities in my mind. There is my wonderful, lovely, joyous baby girl....and then there is uncomfortable, sweaty, big, pregnancy. Two totally different things. I am so very much in love with baby girl, I enjoy her thoroughly. I love her little hiccups, her sleep schedule and am even tolerant of being kicked repeatedly in my diaphragm at 2am. It's the whole pregnant thing I'm done with. I miss my cute, modest little belly that didn't cause fluid retention, increased metabolism and heat. I feel guilty because I really have had a dream pregnancy. No puking, no hair loss, little to no back aches, nothing really. It hasn't been until the last few weeks that all that goodness has caught up, and even still, it's really not that bad. I just have nothing to compare it to as far as more misery, so currently my pity party is only based on my experience. I keep being reminded it will only get worse before it gets better, I cannot wait.

I don't like complaining, but I can't help it. There's nothing else I can do but bitch and wait and grow the tiny human. I know nobody cares, but I can't help it. I do need to point out that I am aware of just how lucky I am that I have made it 33 beautiful weeks and have an incredibly healthy, wonderful little love nestled inside. And I am lucky. I would feel a lot better if it wasn't for the weather. I do just fine in the AC in little to no clothing, laying on the couch watching Anthony Bourdain. It's having to function in a million degree weather that is a billion degrees with humidity. I can't do it. Within 15 seconds of being outside my fingers swell to capacity and look like fat pink sausages (no exaggeration on the time). I'm now waking up fingers, toes and feet swollen. Before it took standing on my feet for some time before swelling began. Now it's more or less instantaneous. Tomorrow I have another doctor appointment to check on this swelling and also the protein in my pee. Fingers crossed it's just the heat and not preeclampsia.

Ok, ranting done. Aside from my discomforts I've been disgustingly busy and disgruntled. Everything is coming to a crux and I'm just plowing through trying to get everything organized and finished before baby girl makes her appearance. I'm halfway through the quarter so a lot of things are piling up needing to be done. Every single weekend until the 11th is full, either with work, weddings, baby showers, etc. I've never been so busy in my life, and go figure it's when I'm most pregnant lol. I love busy, but I'm definitely noticing that I'm slowing down, it's hard for me to keep up.

Last weekend Mom and I were up in Waupaca for Kelsey's bridal and bachelorette party. It was, in July fashion, hot. BUT it was wonderful. It was great being up in Wisco and surrounded by family. It was my first bachelorette party ever and a blast. Alyssa did a really beautiful job for Kels, I really wish I could have gotten stinking drunk, but it was still sooooo much fun being with Kelsey and her friends. Plus, I got to rock out in a bikini on a pontoon boat. Life is good.

Kelsey and I at her bridal shower 

Kelsey floating on the wiener


So wrong....so wrong

Sweet baby girl

How far along? 33 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: Find out tomorrow
Maternity clothes?  Well, I discovered my jeans no longer kinda fit...
Stretch marks?  Tummy still looks good, however I feel like I wont be so lucky for much longer
Sleep:  It's really hit or miss at this point
Best moment this week: Spending time with friends and family in Wisco.

Miss Anything? Feeling like a normal human being
Movement:  Girl is busy
Food cravings: Decaf iced hazelnut coffee with 2 splenda
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender:  Scarlett Alexandra!

Labor Signs: No thank goodness
Symptoms: I'm so effing swollen :(
Belly Button in or out? I think it's going to pop out soon

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Maternity pics tomorrow and lunch with Mrs. Reichert and Mama on Friday

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Life, Love and Liberty - 32 weeks 4 days

Last week was my FAVORITE holiday, I love love love 4th of July. Under non-knocked up circumstances this day includes parades, booze, watermelon, BBQ and fireworks. Which are all of my favorite things. AND if I'm really lucky Wisco gets thrown into that mix. This year we went up to Waupaca to Aunt Linda's house (we went last year too!) normally it falls on the Sunday before the 4th but this year it was on the actual day. Unfortunately it was 104 degrees outside and humid, which is hell for me. Thank goodness for AC.

This was an extra special 4th of July this year, Aunt Linda, Aunt Terri and Kelsey threw me a baby shower for the family. After the usual BBQ lunch the ladies went downstairs and we had my shower. It was above and beyond what I could have ever imagined. I was just thrilled that I would be able to celebrate with my Wisco family because I knew it would be difficult for everyone to come down to Chicago for my Chase family and childhood/highschool/college/nursing friends baby shower. I thought we would all just be sitting together and chatting, I didn't expect it to be anything fancy. I was blown away, the colors were pink, white, red and black with polka dots. It was absolutely beautiful. Terri made chocolate covered strawberries and cherries and Linda had a baby buggy cake made for me AND homemade punch. She even made me a sash that said "Meet Baby Scarlett 9/3"

We played several totally darling games, and I really am slacking on my nursery rhyme knowledge...surprisingly. I was generously given incredible gifts for baby girl. Tons of books, diapers, clothing, blankets and more. Everything was wonderful. Arizona Grandma sent her gift out from AZ, I was blown away by what she gave baby girl; silver first curl and tooth boxes with her name on it. First gift that I've received that has her name on it AND from her Great Grandma. It means so much to me, I know that she'll treasure the gift when she's older. Great Aunt Glenna also got some tears (ok sobs) out of me. When I was born my great grandma made me a beautiful afghan blanket that I fondly called my "scuchy blanket" that I would sleep with. Great grandma passed away several years ago and thus her baby gifts of handmade afghans. I was honestly heartbroken at the perspective that Scarlett would not have her own afghan made by loving grandma hands. Her Gigi is making her a cross stitch blanket (her own tradition for 20+ years) which is stunning, but it's different than an afghan. Great Aunt Glenna made her great great niece an afghan blanket. Opening up the package sent me into tears of missing my own great grandma and feeling so incredibly lucky that she loves little lady enough to make her something so special. I'm in tears just writing about it. Great Aunt Jill also made a beautiful handmade scarlet covered hat and matching booties. So darling. I just feel overwhelmed with emotion from all of the love and support for her and I and every single gift and card we received. I know that every mother feels that there child is loved the most, but honestly, I think that Scarlett is the most loved child on this planet.

Car seat from the Brooks' girls

Darling clothes, diapers, booties, necklace, gift card from wonderful my aunts and cousins



Aunt Glenna Blanket

Aunt Jill's hat and booties

Bath supplies

Opening up the sweetest cat jammies from Aunt Chris

Big hugs to my Great Aunt Linda

The rest of my week went by pretty well. except for the weekend. I worked on Friday and Saturday....on Saturday I was with Dr. Pio (poor Pio always gets the worst of me) and while I was on shift I ended up having an aura I guess. Out of my right eye I had a horseshoe shaped sparkly rainbow and lost all my peripheral vision neither of which has ever happened before. Sarah took my BP which was 153/98....now, as a preggo your BP is lower due to all the vasodilation going on, normally mine is 112/55. Having high blood pressure can be a warning sign that you're experiencing a very dangerous complication of pregnancy, preeclampsia. Sarah and Dr. Pio wouldn't even let me go to my own OB, I was wheeled right up to labor & delivery at Condell. My BP stayed high for about an hour and my aura lead to a horrible migraine (never had one of those before). Luckily my labs came back perfect and after some pushing was allowed to be discharged. HOWEVER when I got home I noticed my ankles were swollen with 3+ pitting edema, that was totally new for me. I called my OB, let her know I was in L&D at Condell being evaluated for preeclampsia and that I had the new onset edema. She told me to sleep on it and if it wasn't improved I had to go to L&D at Highland Park Hospital in the morning. Low and behold my ankles were still puffy so back to L&D I went, high blood pressure again as well. Spent a solid 4 hours being re-tested and monitored. Luckily everything is ok and baby girl is perfect. I just have to go in weekly now to have my urine tested for protein and have my BP monitored. Total pain in the ass but I feel better being monitored closely. Had my first check up yesterday and there was a little bit of protein in my urine but my BP is fine. I'm on a low sodium diet, 8 glasses of water, lay on my left side regime. 

Tomorrow Mom and I head up to Waupaca for Kelsey's bridal and bachelorette party, should be a wonderful and busy weekend. Lots of pictures to follow!

How far along? 32 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: 2lbs in 2 weeks, I think I'm at 22lbs now? 24?
Maternity clothes?  Depends on the day, none of my cute summer dresses fit. Bummer
Stretch marks?  Not that I've noticed (fingers crossed!)
Sleep:   Horrible last night, had scary ass zombie dreams :(
Best moment this week: Get to see Matt twice this week, always a plus.

Miss Anything? Not getting winded while cleaning or doing anything really
Movement:  She is a nut today, not sure why
Food cravings: I wanted candy canes this morning, clearly not happening in July
Anything making you queasy or sick: Reflux is finally under control. Thank you Zantac!
Gender:  bebe girl

Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Swollen fingers, feeling worrrrrn out.
Belly Button in or out? More shallow these days

Happy or Moody most of the time: Stressed earlier this week, looking better towards the end of the week though!
Looking forward to: Wisco!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Little love bean - 31 weeks even

Hurray for Sunday! It's my favorite day of the week, 9 weeks till baby girl graces us with her ever fabulous presence.  We had a good rest of the week. Yesterday I had my check up, lucky for me I get to do the treck every 2 weeks now! I know it's important to make sure lady is doing well, but it's such a waste of gas. I go in, pee in a cup (I've peed in more cups in the last 7 months than is necessary) I go get weighed, have my blood pressure done and then am left to my devices till the doctor comes in. She asks me how I'm feeling, measures my fundus, listens to her heart and done. The whole process takes less than 10 minutes. Unless, of course, they're running 45 minutes behind and I'm stuck in room three (that has the vagina art on the wall) and am stuck playing Bejeweled and humming. Prior to pregnancy when left in the room I would go through all the drawers, but now that I know what is in them all, it's no longer entertainment. Scarlett is cooking well, my fundus is at 30cm, aka 4in above my belly button and is now pushing all of my internal organs upwards. Sigh. Her heart rate is fantastic, as Dr. Kim said "She's strong...and feisty!" Yes, yes she is, she's her mother's daughter.  I expressed my concern on not being able to push her out my chacha , Dr. Kim laughed. Actually laughed. And informed me that my chacha will accommodate her body. I still disagree.

Currently my darling daughter is hiccuping slightly left of my belly button and getting increasingly irritated with them. She had them this morning for about 10 minutes, after trying to get her to move for her Papa he FINALLY got to feel her, hiccuping none the less, and also got kneed. She has been kneeing my left side most of the day, it feels like a smooth ball when she does it. There was lots of wiggling today, I had a bad night last night with my reflux, I was up just about every hour. She slept the entire time, I was actually concerned enough to poke her until she rolled over and fell back to sleep. She was then promptly up at 5am when I was trying to go back to sleep. I imagine her and I will be having conflicting sleep schedules.

Tonight we went of to the Albert's for dinner. My cousin Mimi was in town from New York and I haven't seen her since October. She has yet to meet the bump and was smitten with her cooking cousin. We had a full house, her boyfriend was there, Mimi's best friend Amy and her bf, my aunt, uncle, my parents and I. We had a cookout and thankfully ate inside the house. It was great catching up with everyone, I stuffed my face with desserts and decaf coffee....it was amazing. Mimi and Aunt Diane were able to feel baby girl. She didn't do much moving, but they were able to feel her whole big body. Mimi started crying, which in turn just about made me cry. I love how happy Scarlett makes everyone around her. She is just so wonderful. I just love my little bug. I'm already beginning to miss her neatly tucked in my belly, and the time we have before I got to bed when I just lay and enjoy her dancing around. It's such a unique and beautiful experience, I just love it. 

I'm gearing up for a busy week. Class/clinical Monday and Tuesday,  Forth of July/baby shower 1 on Wednesday, work this weekend and Chelsea's bridal shower. Lots of dress wearing and family and friends. 

How far along? 31 weeks even
Total weight gain: 6 since last time...ick
Maternity clothes?  Not currently, I'm in spanks and a dress
Stretch marks?  I don't think so
Sleep:   Not well at all last night
Best moment this week: Dad finally getting to feel his baby grand moving around

Miss Anything? A beer, I just wanted a beer tonight
Movement:  Busy little thing
Food cravings: Hmm, nothing new, just the usual
Anything making you queasy or sick: Reflux otherwise no
Gender:  girl girl girl

Labor Signs: Negative
Symptoms: This stupid reflux, also I get swollen fingers and the top of my feet.  Super goofy, super uncomfortable
Belly Button in or out? Still hanging out on in the inside

Happy or Moody most of the time: Kinda moody
Looking forward to: Seeing Matt tomorrow and of course the 4th!