Saturday, April 7, 2012

Cinnabon-18 weeks 6 days

One day shy of 19 weeks and 7 days away from knowing the sex of the baby...even though I am CONVINCED he's a boy.

I had my first "if I don't get this right now I'll die" craving. It happened while watching TV and a cinnabon commercial came on. I literally had to get up and get in my car immediately and get some. If I didn't. I was going to die. It was freaking delicious.

Pinterest has been my new, babies, home, name it, I'm looking at it. I stumbled across a pregnancy blog and saw this little weekly update for pregnancy. I'm about halfway through the game but thought this would be a nice way to remember things week by week.

How far along? 18 weeks 6 days
Total weight gain: Only up 1 pound as of 16 weeks
Maternity clothes? Nope. But I'm on a jeans strike 
Stretch marks? Not yet. BUT, I had them form when I got boobs too soon (at 9 years old) so I wouldn't be surprised if I get them creeping across my belly. Better believe I lube up 2x a day though.
Sleep: Horrible. Cannot fall or stay asleep. Which is a completely 180 from the first trimester.
Best moment this week: Matt's hand on my belly this Monday. It's the first time when I lay down my belly isn't flat. It's the perfect size of his hand and having it across our baby is the first time in my life I felt complete.

Miss Anything? Being able to drink a beer after a tough day at work/school. Instead I drink pop water lol.
Movement: This is the first week where I've actually been kicked. He's been rolling around for a few weeks, but now I can feel where he is and get a quick and surprising jab. Also realized baby doesn't wake up until 10am. Random.
Food cravings: Cinnabon. Yum.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of eggs and meat. Horrible.
Gender: I'm convinced it's a little boy. We'll know in a week!

Labor Signs: A whole lot of nothing.
Symptoms: Insomnia. Stuffy nose. Epistaxis. Lower back pain. Orthostatic hypotension....but in all honesty, I feel amazing.
Belly Button in or out? Really far in

Happy or Moody most of the time: This week it's been emotional. Very very emotional. Cry 4x a day emotional.
Looking forward to: Finding out the sex of Zetus next week.

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