Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hello bump! - 18 weeks

At the 18 week mark! 18 weeks 3 days today. Feeling great physically except for being insanely emotional about everything. I've cried 4 times today actually. For no reason. I'm FINALLY showing. I have wanted my little bump for weeks and now I finally have it. It's tiny and I love it. You can't really tell unless I lay down, or as my day goes seems to grow as the day keeps going for some reason. Another really amazing thing happened over the last week.

I can feel baby move! I've been feeling some "rolling" for a few weeks. Nothing really definitive or anything like that...just rolling around. None of that "fluttering" like some women describe it as....not this kiddo. Now I'm getting kicked, or body slammed. It literally stops me in my track when Z kicks. It's the absolute weirdest feeling. I love it. I love knowing that he is wiggling around and stretching. I know he's healthy and strong. He sleeps in till about 10am, wiggles and kicks then falls back to sleep until I eat. I'm so in love with this little life. It is unreal. Feeling him move makes everything feel real...despite the USs and hearing the heart beat it still seems a little fake. However getting nailed while you're in bed reading...feels real.

Baby loves my left side. That's where he hangs out most of the time. You can even see in the pictures, the left side is poking out more.

No more flat belly! I got that perfect uterus shape going on. Right below my belly button where it's supposed to be at 18 weeks. It's weird to actually see something there, I wonder how big I'll get before I pop. Matt was over on Monday and his hand fits the exact curvature of my uterus. I love having his hand there, I can't wait till he gets kicked by his mini me.

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