Dearest Scarlett,
I have now been having Braxton-Hicks contractions every 2-4 minutes for the last 5 days. You gave us quite a scare on Sunday, we were in Waupaca, Wisconsin for Kelsey's wedding. Saturday I ended up having to leave the wedding early because you and I were struggling with swelling and a hard belly. I went to the hospital Sunday to get checked out for my headache and belly pains...turns out I was having contractions every 3 minutes or so. Here I was, thinking you were being all sassy sticking your butt out, but in reality you were being squashed by my uterus. When the doc examined me he found that I was 70% effaced, roughly 1cm dilated and your head was low. Chaos ensued because they thought you were coming...that night. No time for me to be sent home, we had to be admitted. Your Daddy had to scramble to get up to Waupaca (he made it up in 4 hours, hungover and only bringing headphones!), Tyler drove 6 hours, picking up your car seat and grabbing a few come home outfits for you. After 18 hours of fluids, antibiotics and impatiently waiting, nothing happened. Absolutely nothing besides me being grumpy and crampy. Dr. Charlie told us to expect you 3-4 days later.
5 days later. You're still not here.
Tuesday we spent the day in L&D, still contracting every few minutes but now 90% effaced. After 10 hours there, still no change. Today...still no change but still contracting. I've tried walking, drinking water, bouncing on a labor ball and still a whole lot of nothing. The doctor said it is unusual to be contracting like this without change but I will KNOW when real labor starts. (I don't understand how since I've been thinking for 5 days that is what is going on)
I thought for sure you were impatient to get your little booty out here. Your Daddy has even proclaimed for weeks that you'll be here early (He wants you to wait until next Wednesday). But as I am learning you are running on your own time and you'll get here exactly when you want to be here. Which I'm sincerely hoping is soon (you can wait till next Wednesday, that's fine). The nurse in me knows how important it is that you stay cooking as long as possible, that every day you hang out snuggled safely inside me is another day you grow healthier and stronger. But I'm exhausted from all of the contracting. The impatient mama in me wants you out yesterday and in my arms. Someday when you're waiting for your first born to make his or her appearance you'll say the same thing to me which is "Do whatever you need to but get this child out." This includes taking your crazy uncle up on an offer to use cattle chains to pull you out or your mother's offer to use a plunger to suck you out. You'll laugh at that when you're in your beginning of pregnancy, proudly rubbing your tiny little bump and think to yourself that you wont feel that way...but you will. Want to know how I know this? Because my mother told me I would feel this way some 20 weeks ago. You wont believe me until you have your own little one but your mother is always right. Gigi is always right, and I will also always be right. Some things you just need to learn from living I guess.
So now we wait, my little love, until you decide it's time to grace us with your beautiful presence. Your Gigi and Papa are getting squirrelly, Uncle Tyler is a bundle of anticipation and your Daddy is getting nervous and trying to find a new place to live. And I, well, I'm sleeping, eating tomatos and rubbing you from the outside. You are busy and moving a ton, I like to think you're smiling about all of the fuss going on out here while we wait for you. Hurry up!
Your insanely impatient mother
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