3/4 of the way done with the pregnancy. Where the hell did the time go? It blows my mind that in 10 weeks or less my little girl will be here. It is so exciting and overwhelming; there are times where I cannot wait to have her in my arms, and other times where I'm wanting her to stay put in my belly for at least another year. I want my body back to myself, yet I know that I can't keep her as safe and secure as I can when she's nestled inside. It's really easy to keep tabs on her now...not so much when she's not inside me.
Baby girl is doing great. She feels huge. The idea of her getting bigger in the next 10 weeks seems impossible because she feels that big. Her head is downish...she's sort of cockeyed. I get arms in my left lower belly, knees in the upper right and hiccups by my left hip. There is lots of wiggling and rearranging. I'm not getting big kicks as much, it's more of knees. A lot of pressure. She likes to push out with her back and limbs. She just feels good. I know I've said that before. Just everything about her is just fabulous. I love carrying my hiccuping, wiggly, resilient little girl. I know this sounds ridiculous but she feels happy, like she's just happy to be here, growing, listening to everything wonderful that is waiting for her here. Whenever I think of her curled up in my belly she's smiling. I know that babies don't smile in utero, I know they don't smile until around 8 weeks of life (I'm not talking the gas smiles, I'm talking the "oh hey, you're my momma, I like you" smile). But she's always smiling to me. I like that is how she feels, I love that she just feels so great and wonderful. It's impossible to express just how thankful and how much in love I am with this perfect little life. I really couldn't have been more blessed.
I myself am feeling great. I really can't complain, she's a joy to carry. It's difficult getting use to having someone else taking up most of your core and if I think about it too much I get weirded out. I'm more uncomfortable sitting these days, everything is sorta squashed up. It's worse as the day goes on, it's crazy, my belly starts out small in the morning and progressively pops out as the day keeps going. Then I wake up the next day and it's shrunk back down. The reflux is ever present. It's amazing how water, crackers and PBJ can make a person have reflux. I probably take 2 tums in the middle of the night from waking up and being acidic. I also have to pee 2-3 times in the middle of the night. But on the whole, I really feel wonderful. Very minor irritants.
Hello down there!
Had a wonderful weekend, Saturday we had Mikal's wedding and Sunday I worked (yes I consider work part of my wonderfulness). Mikal's wedding was awesome. It was the first time what I call "the entire family" was together. Jess came up to go with Tyler and Matt came with also along with Mom and Dad. The wedding was at the Walter Payton indoor practice field, it was incredible. It looks like a giant airplane hanger with astroturf. They did a olive green and plum color scheme in the middle of the field. It was really beautiful. I haven't seen Lovie and MaryAnne in awhile so it was really great to see them. I LOVE watching my mom with her friends. It's a totally different dynamic and a side of her I don't normally get to see. Vali, MaryAnne and my Mom are what I hope, Allison, Marcie and I will be like them when we grow up lol. The love and support from the Smith's and Fotos' is wonderful. Vali and MaryAnne are like aunts and knowing that they have my and Scarlett's backs really means a lot to me.

It was nice to pretend to be a normal 23 year old for a little while again. Matt and I slow danced...Tyler and Matt slow danced....Jess and I slow danced....there was a lot of laughing and drinking (the three of them that is). One of the best moments of my pregnancy happened that night. Matt went over and sat next to Dad and asked him how he felt feeling me move in Mom's stomach, and how incredible it is feeling Scarlett shimmy and wiggle. Dad told Matt the story of my being and how Mom and he tried for 10 years and finding out that she was pregnant on his birthday. Watching them talk about how much the love their daughters was really something. I know that Matt loves Scarlett as much as my dad loves me and I can't help but think just how lucky her and I both are.
Our night ended w/ Matt hurting his ankle, Jess almost getting into a fight and Tyler busting a pyrex bowl. My little drunkards lol. Matt played guitar when we got home and boy did Scarlett dance, she loves the guitar, boy is she her father's daughter. I didn't get much sleep that night. Matt snoring and breaking the noodle pillow barrier and Scarlett moving around and hiccuping all night. Despite the lack of sleep I love having my two together, my heart feels complete.
All in all gearing up for a great week, tomorrow I have my 30 week US to look at my dermoid and get a sneak peak at my beautiful little lady. I can't wait!
How far along? 30 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain: I ate Chipotle and chocolate lava cake today...sooooo I'm guessing moreMaternity clothes? I wore my maternity dress on SaturdayStretch marks? None that I've noticed this weekSleep: Depends on the night, some good others bad
Best moment this week: Matt and my Dad on SaturdayMiss Anything? My momma, she's in Arizona this week...yes she did just leave today...yes I already miss her. As Matt would say, I'm a bit barnacle like today.
Movement: Moving currently right now, lil wiggly wormFood cravings: Gummy bears, thanks Allison
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not right now
Gender: Baby girlLabor Signs: NegativeSymptoms: Same as last week
Belly Button in or out? Despite ballooning out, still in
Happy or Moody most of the time: More or less happy, I did cry tonightLooking forward to: Tomorrow getting to see my squirt!